
Doctor Consultations
Our naturopathic doctors provide comprehensive, individualized patient evaluation and care. While we all have the same training, we each of have unique expertise and specialization that may be more appropriate to your needs.

Advanced Diagnostics
In addition to standard lab tests, we use the latest technologies to identify the underlying cause of illness. Hormone, food sensitivity, micro-nutrient, gastrointestinal, advanced cardiovascular, and other specialty tests are available.

Hormone Balancing
Hormone imbalances are often an underlying cause of discomfort and symptoms. Thyroid, adrenal and sex hormone optimization is a foundation of health and vitality. As a team, we specialize in natural and integrative approaches to hormonal balance and health.

Stress Management
Our doctors understand stress can cause or aggravate many many physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Through mindfulness and conscious breathing, we help you develop tools to reduce stress and self-regulate your body and mind.

Escharotic Treatments
Escharotic treatment is a series of topical applications to the cervix that kill abnormal cervical cells and HPV while sparing healthy cells. This may be an alternatives to surgery if you have had an abnormal pap smear and colposcopy,

Prolotherapy and PRP
Connective tissue and joint injuries are quite common. Prolotherapy and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments offer an effective non-surgical treatment in many cases.

Intramuscular and IV Nutrition
B-vitamins help boost energy, support immunity, and replenish deficiencies. Your doctor may recommended specific nutrient injections or you may select from our walk-in menu. Additionally, select IV options are available by prescription from your doctor.

Herbs and Supplements
Our doctors use the highest quality herbal and nutritional supplements in their treatment plans. We integrate traditional and science-based approaches to optimize results. Custom, individualized herbal tinctures are one of our specialties.